There was also a concerted campaign by Palestinian solidarity groups to drum up support for the series.
However, solidarity groups are distinctly different from earlier approaches in several important ways.
First, solidarity groups are very small, typically involving 5 individuals who are allowed to choose one another but cannot be related.
The Grameen approach uses solidarity groups as its primary building block.
Efforts to ensure that all members of solidarity groups are equally poor may not always improve group performance.
Hilda left her country for the first time at the age of 63 to talk to human rights organizations, politicians and solidarity groups.
"But most of the guests are Jewish organizations and solidarity groups."
This process begins with potential clients self-selecting themselves into solidarity groups of four to six members.
The Sandinistas have always considered the foreign solidarity groups an important source of money, material and manpower for their revolution.
To ensure repayment, the bank uses a system of "solidarity groups".