Designed as a custom, it featured an almost solid rear wheel, low seat, and more chrome than would normally be expected.
The moon rolled over the desert waste and rested like a solid wheel of fire on the sand.
We touched down on a long ice runway, frozen solid enough to accommodate the hard rubber wheels of the big cargo carrier.
Each tower stood fifty feet high and was mounted on solid wheels that were sections of whole trees.
Lumbering out of the street that led to the gate came a long cylinder mounted on four solid wheels.
Getting the thing up here had not been easy, but it was perfect, a solid wheel of wood joined by wooden pegs, not nails.
Their solid wheels squealed and jarred on the rubble, making the ground shake.
Hradani wagons were little more than carts, often with solid wooden wheels.
It was mounted on four solid tyred wheels and is believed to have been painted dark blue.
Under the Pyramid was a cement platform resting on solid wheels.