In the last five years, the large woman has liberated herself from shapeless tent dresses in solid shades of black or navy.
Winter jasmine, to the naked eye, seems only a solid shade of frank deep yellow.
Then she looked more closely, and realized that every dot consisted of a swarm of smaller specks, each interacting with those around it, the combination blending at a distance to give the illusion of one solid shade.
The rich coat comes in solid shades of black, brown, red and fawn, but multi-coloured and spotted dogs are quite common.
We are on a shore of white sand too hot to stand still for a moment, great breakers surf and trip to swathes of foam as we dart into the solid black and lovely shade.
Noticeable contrast variations are seen in solid shades.
Instead of solid primary shades, we'll be looking at bluey-greens, pinky-reds and golden yellows, she predicts.
With a dun, the hair color itself is one solid shade.
Or a shade more solid on the straight?
A floral-patterned pillow might have varicolored ribbons floating loose from one corner, and an animal pattern print might be bowed in a combination of the print and a solid shade.