It was a simple slug-thrower of cheap manufacture and used an explosive to drive the solid projectile.
Shot was a solid projectile that included no explosive charge.
With solid projectiles, accuracy was the paramount consideration, and they also caused more tube wear than their explosive counterparts.
The shaft above him became a crazy-quilt of exploding energy beams and solid projectiles.
A slug is a term used for a solid ballistic projectile.
Another invertebrate, the antlion, also makes use of solid projectiles.
A number of vertebrate species also make use of solid projectiles.
The larger weapon is designed to fire exploding shells; the smaller used beltfed solid projectiles.
The company's sharpshooters use shotguns and solid projectiles called slugs to lower the risk of injuries to the public.
Products that fire a laser, as opposed to a solid projectile, have become increasingly popular.