For example, the majority of colorectal and other solid cancers have chromosomal instability (CIN).
This shows that chromosomal instability can be responsible for the development of solid cancers.
In that publication more than 4000 cases were reported, and that there was no evidence of an increase in solid cancers or leukemia.
Since then, more have died from leukemia (231 observed) and solid cancers (334 observed) attributed to exposure to radiation released by the bombs.
When solid cancers are small, they are supplied with nutrients by diffusion from nearby blood vessels.
Brain and nervous systems tumours are the most common solid cancers of children.
This level of radiation exposure carries a 1 in 1000 lifetime risk of developing a solid cancer or leukemia in the patient.
Lenalidomide has a broad range of activities that can be exploited to treat many hematologic and solid cancers.
This is a common occurrence in solid and haematological cancers, especially colorectal cancer where 80-85% show CIN.
In total there are 31 clinical studies either completed or ongoing, including many testing Reolysin alongside standard chemotherapies in a variety of solid cancers.