Rosetti solemnly kissed a violet stole, then dropped it over the slope of his broad shoulders.
Cronshaw, hearing her, turned a sheepish eye upon her; she was stout, matronly, and middle-aged; and solemnly kissed his hand to her.
He choreographed scenes of women doing vaguely mythological things in orchards, and women solemnly kissing one another in darkened rooms (both at the International Center of Photography).
Then when in a few brief words I had told her the upshot of the struggle (of which Flossie, who had arrived in safety, had been able to explain something) she came up to me and solemnly kissed me on the forehead.
Having delivered himself thus, the old boy seized Stephen by the hair and solemnly kissed him on the brow.
It had fallen upon a woodcut of the Common Hog, in spite of which Frank solemnly kissed it, and turned Maude's trouble into laughter.
She solemnly kissed her father's hands, and after that, all those present, including dozens of Brazilians already there kissed her hand, recognizing her as the Empress de jure of Brazil.
He knelt beside the bed and held her until the siren turned into the drive, then he solemnly kissed her goodbye and went out through the rear of the house.
They looked into each other 's eyes, Kate's now full of warmth and such love that Ace picked up each of her hands, and solemnly kissed them.
In return, the victims would stylize the entrances to their deaths with ironic gestures, solemnly kissing their executioners' gun-butts, desecrating imaginary flags.