He signed the solemn league and covenant, apparently with some reluctance, in 1650.
In 1663 a statute was passed requiring all public officials to subscribe a declaration, affirming the duty of passive obedience, and renouncing the solemn league and covenant.
Judge John Kelynge, before whom he appeared, congratulated the swearers upon their renunciation of the solemn league and covenant.
Let us see who will venture to attack a power like ours; the solemn league of a whole people.
He first descended upon the Phrygians and their leader Tissaphernes who had broken a "solemn league" with the Greeks and had earned the "downright contempt of the gods."
He also refused to assent to all of the solemn league and covenant.
The League illegal: wherein the late solemn league is .
He began a controversy with Bishop John Gauden respecting the solemn league and covenant, for the defence of which he was committed to the Tower of London.
At the end of 1643 the solemn league and covenant was taken in St. Michael's by all the parishioners.
In 1643 he took the solemn league and covenant, was appointed a member of the Westminster Assembly of divines, and regularly attended its sessions.