The major formal event of the day was the "State ceremony," a traditional solemn gathering of German political leaders on major occasions of state.
From early 20th century no solemn gathering, devoted to prominent national figures, where held without Zakaria Paliashvili.
The first solemn gathering of the Arcadians was held on the Janiculum hill, in a wood belonging to the Reformed Minorites, on 5 October 1690.
The funeral feast that night in the castle's great hall was not a solemn gathering, but rather a brave and merry occasion.
Attended by more than a thousand people, the solemn gathering concluded with a blessing from an Orthodox priest, who told the crowd that they should live not for bread alone.
A dark orchestral interlude (Mittag) leads into the solemn gathering of the knights.
In the United States, the occasion is marked by solemn gatherings, in public buildings and synagogues.
This custom also included the periodic solemn gathering of the contents of the geniza, which were then buried in the cemetery or "bet ḥayyim."
Other caravanners, noting the solemn gathering, came up to see what was going on and added their own dire rumors to those already spreading.