A solemn covenant, forged from our oaths and our honor.
The temple ceremony involves entering into solemn covenants.
There was an agreement - a solemn covenant honored by us not just through a hundred years, not through centuries, even, but for millennia!
"Do you forget that your homeworld was founded on a solemn covenant of life?"
Slaughter offerings were also made in response to the ratification of solemn covenants, treaties, and alliances.
Even more to the point, he had violated one of the most solemn covenants of the kanun.
So many, that, years past, before my own birth, there had been a solemn covenant made that the youths and maidens of the Keep-kin be early betrothed.
They consider marriage a solemn covenant between wife, husband and God.
While I live there will be no choosing between Nafai and Elemak, but only obedience to me, in accord with your solemn covenant.
In other words, it was a solemn covenant .