This publication is the sole resource for the study of this subject.
The sole resource in Urban Assault is energy, which is required to build units and buildings used to conquer other factions.
Con's sole resources consisted of that single shoe, a tee shirt, a pair of shorts, and a pair of panties.
Tiberium, the game's sole resource, is gathered by harvester units that carry it to a refinery structure for processing.
It was their sole resource.
His pen now became almost his sole resource.
Tiberium is the sole resource and is usually gathered from fields of Tiberium crystals scattered around the map.
In many parts of northern Iraq, groundwater is the sole resource and therefore plays a significant role in agriculture, water supply and health.
The reasons for this are unclear, and the Historia Augusta (almost the sole resource for these events) does not provide a credible story.
The game's sole resource is gold, earned by hunting monsters.