Dakota Sioux were the region's sole residents until French explorers arrived around 1680.
Now the settlement lies in ruins, and the sole resident of the area, as of 2006, was one 90-year old woman.
Now I am the sole owner of my residence as well as its sole resident.
Owning the hotel for 47 years, Simon was Betoota's sole resident until ill health forced him to move.
The third baseman smacked an inside fastball 420 feet to left, the baseball becoming the sole resident of the mezzanine seats.
Eliza George, who died in 1973, was the sole resident of the reservation from the late 1960's through the mid 70's.
Elvis had designed the building himself and was the sole resident.
The Shawnee were then the sole residents of the northern part of the valley.
South Fork is best known for its sole resident, a bearded man by the name of Nicholas Herlinger.
The Crawford family moved there in 1876, and for the first five years were the sole permanent residents of the town.