But as things stand the contras are the sole military force in the entire opposition.
The party was not "interfering," he said, while acknowledging that for four decades it had been virtually the sole force in running Polish life.
The music played makes a direct impact on the dancers' performance, and music is not the sole driving force for the structure.
It is the sole organized force, but consumers can turn the economy around by simply buying American-made products.
Once the Party lost its constitutional status as the sole governing force of country, the Union began to crumble.
Sasshi does not want to go home, and in fact is the sole force propelling them between worlds.
The Persian Gulf crisis is likely to be the sole driving force in the credit markets this week.
The Carnegie report, based on a yearlong study, gives other arguments against permitting choice to be the sole driving force for reform.
You wield the sole force in the world capable of destroying the Magi.
It is quite wrong to regard growth as the sole driving force and goal of Europe's economies.