In many cases, his designs, or copies of them, are the sole evidence for such works.
But in this case, since we're talking about the sole remaining evidence for life outside of Earth, it's pretty important.
"He burnt the sole evidence that could at all have criminated me."
Nearby, a ruined temple which is the sole evidence of the Coixcas can be found.
"In the vast majority of military court trials, the primary, if not sole evidence, is a confession."
Fifteen women had been charged with witchcraft on the sole evidence of a young boy.
More important, the cases would get screwed up in court only if the sole evidence was a confession.
There are plenty of species for which the sole evidence is a tooth or two.
The sole evidence against him was that of a former tutor to his children, an apostate Catholic.
That was the sole evidence of my alleged anti-Catholic bigotry.