Around the Prophet a few hundred soldiers stood and repelled the attacks of the Hawazin.
Though the soldier repelled, the man attracted.
The cupolas were designed to allow the soldiers to perform reconnaissance or repel an attack with an absolute maximum of cover, from inside the bunker.
However, the soldiers repelled the attacks, and at one point, made a daring rescue and saved all of the town's cattle.
The soldiers moved forward of the ambush and repelled the attack.
The siege failed, as the soldiers of Trogir successfully repelled the attack.
Captain Phineas Stevens and 31 soldiers, stationed at the fort, repelled the attack.
Argentine soldiers repelled an attack shortly before dawn today by an unidentified group of armed men on a provincial army barracks, an army spokesman said.
The South Lebanon Army said in a statement that its soldiers repelled the attack.
Kellermann organized a second attack against the unbroken squares but the Spanish soldiers held steady and repelled the French cavalry.