A soldier prodded his side with a sword, barely enough to break the skin.
When he faltered Kaufman hit him again or a soldier prodded him with his bayonet, until they had the whole story.
The young soldier named Marcus prodded Joshua in the thigh with his spear.
Let them have a close look," The man strode around the room, The soldiers poked and prodded the model.
A soldier was prodding a man of about sixty with the bayonet attached to the muzzle of his rifle.
The soldier cursed again and prodded him hard with the point of his blade.
One was too slow, and a soldier prodded him in the buttock with the bayonet, which caused an unusual amount of blood and hysterical laughter.
A soldier prodded Bill with his spear.
The soldier jumped out behind him and prodded him in the seat with the hot projector.
Terrified, the prisoners obeyed as the soldiers prodded them into line on the deck.