How can soldiers on campaign perform their religious duties?
It is hard to imagine that a soldier could just wander in and perform duty at his own discretion.
Another test was designed to see how well soldiers could perform after exposure to the flash of atomic detonations at night.
Nonetheless, they agreed that the soldiers at Dabshe had performed badly.
The military is the municipality's largest employer and more than 1,000 young soldiers perform their duty service here each year.
At the beginning of the 19th century, soldiers performed maintenance work on the road, but the task was immense.
The following morning the soldiers performed their sweep but failed to find the enemy, who were already gone.
There were many tasks that soldiers performed where the slightest mistake would lead to death.
A trained soldier can perform a barrel change and ready the weapon for aimed fire in 6-7 seconds.
We ask soldiers to go out and perform the impossible and then get upset when they mess it up.