Laurie falls for a guy via twitter, a soldier from Iraq named Wade.
In an act that Ms. Solnit finds astonishing, the soldiers named the lake after the chief at the very moment they were removing him from the land.
The soldier named Larry came across the room, looking confused but determined.
As everywhere, soldiers here have named the prominent terrain features.
An ignorant, unpleasant mercenary soldier, Roban the chancellor had named him derisively.
An opium-addicted British soldier named after his signature weapon.
The story is about a former soldier from the north named Mr. Ho whose car broke down while driving through the South.
This morning," the speaker continued, "this soldier named Nortifinthas returned to the city from the western province.
The soldiers dug an assault trench and named it 'Butterworth Trench' in their officer's honour.
By using a double, a German soldier named Baum who can do a perfect Rommel imitation.