Once the Imam's soldiers learned of his death, they fled the battlefield.
Instead, to their considerable disappointment, the soldiers learned that they would be sent on to longer missions.
Through trial and error, the soldiers have learned to adapt to their lifestyles in the dark.
When the demon came, she questioned him, and the soldier learned the answers.
In eight weeks, before they go on to specialized training for their individual assignments, these young soldiers must learn to dress, fight and follow orders.
Israeli soldiers learn to improvise and be responsible for others at a relatively young age.
Every soldier in my army learns at least two.
It wasn't that he was able to control his fear as most soldiers learned to do.
My soldiers and I learned the hard way that policy at the point of a gun cannot, by itself, create democracy.
Eighty soldiers and 17 officers serving in Bosnia learned that they were losing their jobs.