The soldiers dismounted, secured their bridles, and then knocked on the door even as Amanda was opening it.
They said several Kuwaitis reported that Iraqi soldiers had knocked at their doors, seizing or asking for food and water.
Every two hours," she said, "soldiers were knocking on my door.
It got to where Russian soldiers were walking three miles over the ice and knocking on the door during meetings of the village council.
After they had been in his apartment for a few days, Iraqi soldiers knocked on the door.
The soldiers in front of him knocked backward, sprawling against the ones behind them to either side as though a snowplow had hit them.
Who was to say that Turkish soldiers would not knock on their doors one day to interrogate them?
The soldier knocked quietly and they waited for just a few moments before it opened.
As I finished dressing again, the soldier came back and knocked at the door.
The soldier knocked briefly at the door, then opened it without asking.