When replacements eventually joined the company, many Japanese soldiers harassed the lines of the inexperienced soldiers.
But the immortal soldiers harassed him, and he flew away and was never seen again.
The factions turned in their guns, and his soldiers at the ubiquitous roadblocks shout at drivers who do not stop in time but do not harass them for money.
Now, along Route 1, corrupt soldiers harass and beat motorists at arbitrary checkpoints, and gruesomely wrecked cars are, Chilson writes, "as common as mile markers."
Besides seizing the barracks, these soldiers harassed ordinary Indo-Fijian citizens of Labasa, kidnapping bus commuters, ransacking homes, and seizing crops.
In the village, the soldiers are harassing the people.
Besides physical abuse, higher-ranking soldiers psychologically and verbally harassed lower-ranking ones, the officer said.
As Mr. Kabila was winning control, people say, soldiers harassed them and imposed a curfew.
Indian residents complain that soldiers harass young women, smuggle liquor into what is supposed to be an alcohol-free zone, and barge into their homes without permission.
The elders say that as they have come into Kabul, soldiers have harassed and even detained them for wearing turbans, accusing them of being Taliban arriving to cause trouble.