But the soldiers there have experienced firsthand the lack of hospitality even from other Government agencies.
But he is keen that fellow soldiers also experience the benefits of contact with horses.
In general, soldiers experience higher rates of mental health problems than do marines.
The pinned-down soldiers also experienced an intense artillery barrage on their exposed positions.
I do not want to discount the seriousness of the emotional disorders these soldiers are experiencing.
Despite their differences, theirs was the special comradeship that soldiers had experienced since the beginning of time.
Here you do see battle, as no soldier ever experienced it: smoothly, continuously, from above.
Although he was not required to join the resupply convoy in Baghdad, he believed that his soldiers needed someone experienced with them.
Food was also donated during a time of rationing so that the soldiers could experience a taste of home of sorts.
The old soldier was experiencing grief, anger, and finally a grim kind of triumph.