Regimental records record that 59 soldiers, the boat's crew, and the company's commander drowned.
Wooden duckboards were the only way to traverse the ground, and soldiers who slipped off often drowned.
Many soldiers, and the Knyaz himself, drowned while crossing it.
At this the soldiers pushed him under the river with a branch against his neck and drowned him.
Many French soldiers drowned while they valiantly tried to cross this deep watercourse.
I'm glad some soldier whose name I'll never know caught her and drowned her.
The last time a soldier died during Ranger training was in 1985 when a soldier drowned.
In 1985, in the Florida phase, a soldier drowned crossing a stream against a strong current.
An estimated 20,000 Austro-Hungarian soldiers drowned while trying to reach the east bank.
Some unlucky soldiers drowned in mud because of their heavy equipment.