The soldier fired another burst from the Beretta and crouched behind the low foyer wall.
Nervous soldiers crouched in their shadows, fingering M-16's and rocket launchers.
Rooms reeked of the kerosene heaters soldiers crouched over only 48 hours earlier.
The soldiers and the police crouched in irrigation ditches and behind walls.
Their soldiers crouched behind graves or behind their enemy's piled dead.
The two soldiers crouched down, trying to blend into the ground.
Crouching behind the half-tracks were other German soldiers, firing steadily.
A soldier crouched in a dugout can't try to figure out if the next shell will be a direct hit or not.
Instantly Aquitaine's soldier crouched and fired one round after another two, three, four!
The soldiers crouched behind the bushes for cover.