During the long march smallpox took its toll: only 150 soldiers arrived in Charleston-more than half of the legion had died of smallpox along the way.
At first soldiers arrived with weapons, breaking a rule that requires arms be left outside.
The Bosnian soldiers arrived in Tuzla late Tuesday night with 13 men and a woman who had fled the town.
British military planes flew the Afghan soldiers and their American trainers to the city, and more soldiers arrived by road.
The first soldiers arrived on December 7, 1941, the day the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
About 7,000 Syrian soldiers arrived in Beirut last February in an attempt to curb three years of violence caused by battles between rival militias.
Thursday, January 22 - 100 Canadian soldiers arrived in Kabul to start a six-month tour of duty.
Although gliders needed a certain amount of ground to land the soldiers aboard arrived in larger groups (the Horsa glider carried a complete platoon ready for combat.
American soldiers arrived on Bonaire in the second half of 1943 and their commander stated that a new airport had to be built.
The eight remaining soldiers arrived in Santa Barbara on April 15, 1582.