"So what you are saying is that we must tell this elaborate tale to the authorities, that I argued with him, followed him inside, saw him take the mummy from the case, and then the soldiers apprehended me."
When Surrey played Kent on 20 September 1736, three soldiers apprehended a deserter but the crowd turned on them, rescued the deserter and "after a severe discipline let them go about their business"!
The legend of her martyrdom states that in 304, a Roman soldier apprehended her as she was on her way to services.
The soldiers apprehend the girl and bind her to a tree with their belts.
In 2004, soldiers apprehended a 11-year-old boy wearing an explosive belt.
A spokesman for the army said that as of Tuesday, soldiers would apprehend people carrying firearms illegally and search for hidden caches of weapons.
He tried to ignite them with a match when the soldiers apprehended him.
If the soldiers reasonably apprehended a threat, and acted with necessary force, then it's possible to conclude that a tragic misunderstanding occurred.