Polish the surfaces and repeat the soldering process.
For surface mount devices, the soldering process may change the capacitance value by as much as 10%.
These fluxes need to be cleaned after the soldering process using a solvent (potentially including chlorofluorocarbons).
The soldering process that forms the bead probe leaves a coating of flux.
The purpose of flux is to facilitate the soldering process.
Various problems may arise in the soldering process which lead to joints which are nonfunctional either immediately or after a period of use.
Some defects may occur during the soldering process.
Today, as chip density increases and new packaging methods are developed, the soldering process is frequently automatic.
One problem is tin/lead balls squeezing through the solder mask, which interferes with the soldering process.
Flux-coated preforms can also be used to eliminate flux residue entirely from the soldering process.