It has a seating capacity of 5,300, with room for 200 more fans for sold-out games.
But the two teams draw 200,000 fans to mostly sold-out games for the season, among the highest attendance among all teams.
The sold-out game was the ballpark's first major-league game of any kind.
Some wives of professional athletes focus on the perks of life in the big time: affluence, public attention, premium seats at sold-out games.
The Dragons continued their sellout streak throughout 2012 and finished the season with their 913th straight sold-out game.
Bell was criticized as being too strict with his refusal to let sold-out games to be televised locally.
Last year, the record streak of sold-out games died.
No other team in college football comes close to matching Nebraska's streak of 241 sold-out games (Notre Dame is second with 155).
This was tremendous value for a sold-out game.
Such a "turnstile count" in the case of sold-out games is tickets distributed, minus the no-shows.