Some soil minerals also attach to, or adsorb, iodine, which also slows its movement.
Little of this released phosphorus is taken by biota (organic form) whereas, large proportion reacts with other soil minerals leading to precipitation in unavailable forms.
As a result, these processes may lead to the release of inorganic phosphorus associated with aluminium, iron, and calcium in soil minerals.
Falling levels of soil minerals.
The plant matter releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and weak acids that react with insoluble soil minerals to release beneficial nutrients.
Grape quality is affected by variety as well as weather during the growing season, soil minerals and acidity, time of harvest, and pruning method.
The water can also cause either the oxidation or reduction of molecules in the crystalline structure of the soil minerals.
This causes the water molecules to bond to each other and to other charged surfaces, such as soil minerals.
Their colour and loamy consistency indicates that organic solutions are working among the soil minerals.
The soil minerals (appears to be sand & iron portions) are not attracted to the lead but are attracted to the copper.