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The "desert" had made its entrance, and the more the soil eroded, the more the sand underneath was exposed.
One problem with agriculture here is that the soil erodes easily.
This makes the soil erode and the desert spread towards the surrounding area.
Gradual but severely deleterious, just like it is when the soil erodes.
For destroying the forests on whole mountain ranges and letting the soil erode into the valleys?
The soil erodes, the air is poisoned, woodlands are wasted, industrial farming brings exhaustion to the land.
With little plant cover on most of the lower levels, the soil erodes easily and much sediment is deposited in Lake Baringo.
What nation is going to let its soil erode away and degrade?
When major geological changes such as volcano eruptions or landslides occur, the current vegetation and soil may erode away leaving only rock.
If the soil has eroded, the crops will not grow very well.