It grows in dry sclerophyll woodland, where soil accumulates in depressions on the sandstone.
At the base of the slope we usually find a concave area where the eroded soil has accumulated.
Seedlings can only grow in holes and cracks in the limestone where soil has accumulated, so in general regeneration after disturbance is slow.
Growth is equal to decay and tropical soils (above 25 C) do not accumulate humus as do temporate forests.
What little plant life there is grows in crevices in the rocks where soil has accumulated.
Fertile soil from the highlands accumulated in the valley, and the land eventually reforested.
Some scientists think so, after studying how soils have accumulated in wetland areas in the Yucatan Peninsula.
The soil there can accumulate lead from the house's exterior paint, making this a poor spot for growing vegetables, experts say.
Chasmophytes grow in fissures in rocks where soil or organic matter has accumulated.
Crops that are less sensitive may still require potassium sulfate for optimal growth if the soil accumulates chloride from irrigation water.