The industry also includes software services, such as training, documentation, and consulting.
As of January 2001, the company was providing its software services to over 1,500 clients.
A software service I used for a while sent me a note today that read:
Global information processing: The emergence of software services and data entry jobs in selected developing countries.
In the late 1990s companies started selling software service directly over the Internet.
Auriga offers a wide range of software services, including product engineering.
Although sales fell 4 percent over all, the company said demand for software services and flash memory semiconductors increased.
Schools must find a way to pay for software, networks, training, support services, maintenance, repair and security.
Still missing is the business model that enables companies to offer consumers a full range of software services at a profit.
More than a third have no clue what they spend for software, fuel, advertising, legal services or construction.