But Computer Associates, because it charges its mainframe customers according to how powerful their hardware is, has been able to increase its software revenues.
The company also said that its software revenue was lower than expected because customers had begun to buy products throughout the year, instead of primarily in December.
Last year, for example, $5 billion in software revenues from the video game business almost matched the $5.2 billion that Americans spent at the movies.
This year, analysts say, services and software revenues are nearing 40 percent of its business.
At the start of 2012, Optimal IdM proudly announced that it had more than doubled its software revenues for 6 consecutive years.
Of that, software revenue grew 32 percent, to 296.9 million francs.
Despite the current quarter's softness, Banyan said it expected full-year earnings to rise 50 percent and software revenues to be up 25 percent.
Total software revenues were $4.1 billion, up 9 percent year over year.
It is funded through membership dues based on member company's software revenues, and through settlements from companies it successfully brings action against.
We doubled our software revenue in the U.S. in three years.