Originally called Megasoft, the company was forced to change its name and logo due to software pirates copyrighting both.
He agreed not only to give testimony against other software pirates but to help find these software pirates.
This is likely highly inflated, unless one counts every single teenage software pirate and petty phone-booth thief.
They are also illegal, but it is very rare, almost unheard of, for a small-scale software pirate to be prosecuted.
Finally a fifteen-year-old software pirate under interrogation had given them the keys they needed to trace him.
Some are just simplified rewrites of the official manuals (or, for software pirates, substitutes), while others go beyond.
Microsoft, as the industry leader, has made the most aggressive push to thwart software pirates.
A software pirate, one of the more prosperous attendees, flaunted a radar-detecting black muscle-car.
On these, software pirates upload programs that any of the world's estimated 30 million Internet users can download onto their own computers.
But anonymous remail services, Federal prosecutors say, are also used by child pornographers, extortionists, software pirates and drug dealers.