The software also permits Microsoft to assist outside software developers.
On the positive side, this made it fairly easy for non-programmers to create situations as complex as the underlying software would permit.
The software permitted integration of material prepared locally with material purchased from publishers.
Among other things, the software permits Ford to track and manage the manufacturing steps that begin when it orders steel from a supplier.
Additionally, new software permits singers to sing and listen to one another over the Internet.
The software will permit access to information stored on mainframe, mid-range and personal computers.
The software permitted the exchange in one city to link up with similar exchanges in other cities to form a global network.
Such embedded software permits electronic warfare systems to be updated continuously as new tactics and warning systems are developed.
The software permits the distribution and viewing of feature-length interactive multimedia over the Internet using ordinary phone lines.
This software, called a compiler, permits their most sophisticated computer to issue and compute as many as 28 instructions simultaneously.