Similar to undo, a database engine or software installer may keep a list of operations that have been or will be performed.
Its purpose is to help software developers create uniform software installers.
Jailbreaking with redsn0w includes an option (enabled by default) to install Cydia, the popular third-party software installer.
Ken Malone - He joined Hyland Software in 1995 as a software installer.
When you follow a Google link to a "poisoned" website, the installation package, avSetup.pkg, is downloaded automatically to your Mac and runs Apple's software installer.
Ceedo-equipped drives trick software installers into spraying their pieces into its own duplicate of your Windows folder.
Ceedo is working on a software installer called Install Anything that it says will make installing all kinds of programs much easier.
A. Some software installers will put a program shortcut in the compter's StartUp folder during the installation process.
Amazon's store, in contrast, simply downloads a standard software installer; it's up to users to install the software and enter license codes.
Inconspicuously, the software installer had also been changed to NSIS.