The associated software innovations are equally important in areas such as algorithms, artificial intelligence, and Big Data.
This provides compelling evidence that software innovation will not be stifled in the absence of patent protection as some speculate.
Yes, it serves as a pretext to talk to you, but I am interested in your software innovation in its own right.
However the predominantly patent-driven approach to university technology transfer may leave research based software innovations on the shelf.
But government officials and airline executives said they hoped weather delays could be minimized by software innovations.
Much as the company would like to keep schtum about its software innovations, it has to tell developers in advance.
Wheeler has also developed a webpage that identifies what he believes to be the most important software innovations.
It's not unusual, he said, to find the conversation revolving around the latest hardware and software innovations in multimedia and telecommunications.
Critics argue Apple's centralized app approval process and control of the platform itself could stifle software innovation.
His software innovations earned him huge profits, which he plowed back into the company, which in turn yielded even larger profits.