"I'm capable of doing a lot of things if I can be healthy for a full season," he said in his soft-spoken manner.
"I don't remember a whole lot about my father," Moon said even more softly than his usual calm and soft-spoken manner.
A shade under six feet, the thick-shouldered black man possessed intelligent eyes and a soft-spoken manner.
In his soft-spoken manner, he candidly offered his view of the defections.
Indeed, his soft-spoken manner and candid approach are what philanthropists find appealing.
With his burly frame and soft-spoken manner, the director bears little resemblance to his characters.
The audience, moved by his shy smile and soft-spoken manner, gave Goldhagen a standing ovation.
He was tall, slender, had dark hair and a soft-spoken manner.
And it was hard to reconcile his soft-spoken good manners with the ruthless determination of his business career.
He is a trim 50-year-old whose soft-spoken manner belies a militant history.