Another reason to buy soft-cover books is that they are easier to read in bed.
Behind the net, Starling could see a table bolted to the floor and piled high with soft-cover books and papers, and a straight chair, also fas-tened down.
Each of the soft-cover books includes a short text and bibliography explaining the patterns of the 16 colored sheets.
Nothing is permitted to be shipped in by mail, except soft-cover books.
The 1997 soft-cover book offers the opportunity to visit more than 250 private gardens in 17 states on selected Saturdays and Sundays through Sept. 21.
The band released it in 1986, the 50th anniversary of the Spanish Revolution, on their own label as a square 7" (17.5cm) soft-cover book with two 45 rpm records.
They look through college guides - those ubiquitous (in autumn, anyway) soft-cover books that list, rank, describe and otherwise categorize the nation's colleges.
It publishes mostly in soft-cover books by Canadian authors, many previously unpublished.
One 168-page soft-cover book was published in 1977 it had many color renderings.
The collection also includes a soft-cover book by Mark Lewisohn which describes every track in the collection which is encased in a black oak rolltop box.