His tongue glided along her lower lip, sliding over it to caress the soft interior just beyond.
Made in a specially dimpled copper pan, they are flipped repeatedly to attain a soft interior.
These are the soft interiors of bodies turned inside out, turned solid.
The fig tree grows its flowers strangely inside out, concealed within the soft interior of the fruit.
The form is massive, and the cheese has a soft interior.
The pastry texture is chewy, with a soft interior and a crunchy crust.
The European fired his weapon, the spit echoing briefly in the soft interior of the limousine.
The fruit can be eaten whole as both the thin skin and soft, juicy interior are edible.
Adler says, "It's an animal that has a tough exterior and a soft interior, very much like these kids that we're serving."
In addition, there was an open hole into a soft, gooey interior on the north pole of the larger of the two spheres.