"My name is Mary," the maid said in a soft Irish brogue as she extended her arm over which was draped the lace dressing gown.
Sorry to burden you with my strange requests," MacLean said in his soft Scottish brogue.
Irish, and she still talked with that soft brogue they have.
He is even stripped of his soft Scottish brogue; he's a plush-toy puppy without a tail.
She didn't stir as her mother took her hand and patted it gently, repeating Rennie's name in her soft Irish brogue.
I'd be happy to listen to Eleanor McEvoy sing the telephone directory - her soft lilting brogue is simply that addictive.
Depicted as curly haired with beautiful violet-blue eyes, she always spoke with a soft Irish brogue.
Leaning over her he looked down into her face with curious wonder, and when he spoke again the soft brogue was more pronounced than usual.
His sympathetic brogue, smooth and soft and instinct with drollery, held for her a never-ending fascination.
In a soft Irish brogue, he recalls the encounter, blow by ugly blow.