But he said neither party should assume loyalty from a voting population suffering from "a very difficult socioeconomic situation."
Howard Barnes It depends on the age, family, socioeconomic situation, and intellectual disposition of the student.
Only after the 1740s did the Swedish government try to improve Finland's socioeconomic situation.
Early intervention programs for children living in low socioeconomic situations, such as the Head Start Program, began showing up around the country.
The economic reforms and political transformations that took place during the perestroika years led to a deterioration of the region's socioeconomic situation.
Adequate resources must also be made available, regardless of the socioeconomic situation of the family.
I would say that this is a critical point in the socioeconomic situation of the country.
They must, however, make use of this resource with respect for the local peoples' cultures, individualities, socioeconomic situations and traditions.
Among most observers, there is a growing consensus that more needs to be done about the political and socioeconomic situation.
What aggravates the situation is the socioeconomic situation, and this, naturally, brings additional people to the street.