He developed the concept of "evolutionary technological change" to explain how socio-economic environments shape the adoption and diffusion of new technologies.
In other words, a specific political and socio-economic environment is required that enables sustained investment and economic growth.
Of all the goal categories, this one includes the largest variability because it reflects an individual's experience in a socio-economic environment.
Australia, as a relatively young first-world free-market democracy, provides a socio-economic and political environment that is unique to the understanding of organised crime.
In order to understand the context within which all human resource policies operate, there are lectures on the French and European socio-economic environment.
Important concepts in the social sciences are largely the product of their political and socio-economic environment and the human capital theory is no exception.
The new ministry was restructured to meet the changing political and socio-economic environment in Ukraine.
In addition to its direct input into the economy, the creative and cultural sector has an indirect impact on the European socio-economic environment.
Cohesion policy demonstrates its importance, making a substantial contribution to improvements in the socio-economic environment.
Cohesion policy continues to prove its relevance as it contributes considerably to the improvement of the socio-economic environment.