However, there are a number of studies which do suggest that socio-economic characteristics are related to morbidity and to access to health services.
We will examine how these valuations vary with the type of service on offer and the socio-economic characteristics of the population.
A number of possible explanations for this gap have been suggested, particularly differences in income and various socio-economic characteristics between black and white households.
Various factors affect the socio-economic characteristics of Canadian agriculture.
Thus, people with similar socio-economic and demographic characteristics, but living in different places, may well vote for different parties.
Clearly, each region with its attendant physical and socio-economic characteristics must be considered as a separate case.
Would have required the state to consider the socio-economic characteristics of a community before issuing it permits for incinerators and other polluting facilities.
The surveys have collected information for individual respondents on self reported morbidity, use of health services, socio-economic characteristics, and living conditions.
We were thus able to control, to some extent, for socio-economic characteristics of the environment, and for the amount of policing.
On virtually any possible measure of socio-economic, cultural and environmental characteristics, rural areas are found at the two extreme of the distribution.