The society has also restored about one mile of track to the north of Isfield.
Beginning in 1997, the society restored the station building at Karnin station and from 1999 to 2005 ran a small exhibition on the line's history.
The society restored the former store to its appearance circa 1875, and opened it as a museum.
The society restored the school to its 1875 appearance.
The society restored the building's interior to include original fittings and brass wicket.
The historical society restored the building to its original appearance, and in 1987 added a small rear annex housing lavatories.
The historical society restored the house and opened it as the Clarke County Museum in 1986.
The society restored the former store and opened it as a museum.
The society bought the mill and restored it.
Since then, the society has grown, balanced its budget and restored much of the building.