He had no trouble selling his paintings, and continuing to accept private commissions for society portraits.
It was executed, along with a number of other high society portraits, during his second visit to Italy.
Beaton is best known for his fashion photographs and society portraits.
Ms. Garber said she had painted 15 to 20 society portraits, all commissioned through word of mouth.
She made Cowan one of London's leading society portrait painters.
Mann painted a large number of society portraits, including the following.
But in today's market, "society portraits of the 19th century tend to bring in the $2,000 to $4,000 range," he said.
What she knew about art pretty much began and ended with her artist father's glibly flattering society portraits.
It seems more like a society portrait, or a celebrity taking a break from a late-night party, snapped on the sly.
They were fighting to establish artistic realism in a conservative atmosphere of society portraits and soothing landscapes.