Check-in from noon to 2:30 P.M. will be held at the society headquarters, diagonally across the street from the parking lot.
In January 1907, society headquarters were moved to Chicago, and the president was transferred to that archdiocese.
The society headquarters is at 991 Fifth Avenue, opposite the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The building served also as the offices of the General Society until 2002, when the society headquarters moved to its current location in Independence, Mo.
A tour of the Dana House is $1; the rest of the society headquarters and its exhibits are free, beginning July 11.
The society headquarters is at 1 Grove Street in Tarrytown and the phone number for more information is 631-8374.
The rally starts at 10 a.m. from society headquarters on Main Street.
The society headquarters are in New York City, where a valuable library, consisting of Huguenot books, manuscripts, etc., had been collected.
The book is on sale at the society headquarters on Main Street.
Check-in time is from 1 to 2:30 at the society headquarters, 937 Post Road, Scarsdale, and registration fees are $10, $8 for people younger than 18.