Thullish society disintegrated entirely, reverting to crude village life.
And when that occurs, Miss Lewitzky implies, society may disintegrate.
I'll wait till society disintegrates totally.
Supporters of Americanization felt that, without an American education, citizens would become ethnocentric and society would disintegrate.
If that were so, then he ought not to interfere, and let their society disintegrate naturally.
After the moving of the Raft, society had disintegrated rapidly.
We have to draw a line in the sand here before society disintegrates altogether.
Vallonian society, based as it was on the techniques of memory preservation, had gradually disintegrated.
'It's part of the pattern, Charles; society disintegrates before our eyes and we are expected to paper over the cracks.'
When Jews were persecuted, expelled or killed, it could be seen with 20-20 hindsight that the society itself was disintegrating.