Still, I believe, there ought to be some circumstances when society deems it appropriate and natural for a man to take his wife's name.
"And the wrong choices are what society has deemed to be unlawful."
Our society has deemed that the execution of a few innocents is an acceptable price to pay to execute the guilty.
The emission charge may have to be continually adjusted until the air quality which society deems acceptable has been achieved.
Fashion and beauty blogs focus on the values of looking a certain way, or what society deems as "stylish."
In the late 18th century, society once again deemed toys acceptable as playthings.
An individual is considered as honorable based on his/her behaviors and characteristics he or she displays that the society deems to be worthy of honor.
This social-welfare term describes what is often a nightmare for older adults whom society deems not yet poor enough.
So much the better, for the resignation shown towards what society has deemed to be irreversible is intolerable.
The constitution also allows the election of such other officers as the society may deem necessary to conduct its affairs.