Only when the caregiving work of both parents is socially valued will women achieve workplace equality.
That is, they promote social activity that is socially valued (see philosophy above).
One of the most socially valued roles in contemporary society - being a parent - is regularly denied to people with learning difficulties.
With, if only 60 per cent of total current income were equally distributed it would be socially valued as equivalent.
These privileges are ordinarily (but not always) designed to protect socially valued types of confidential communications.
Not all alliances between socially valued and devalued persons are moral, fruitful and advantageous.
Empirical studies have found widely-shared cultural beliefs that men are more socially valued and more competent than women in a number of activities.
To say those people don't need the kind of specialized professional education we give every other important, socially valued activity in our society, I think would be disastrous.
It is related to a large number of economically, educationally, and socially valued attributes.
Creativity is defined as the ability to create novel, socially valued products and ideas.