Outsiders - may be socially challenged and just don't fit in, or they may be independent and feel no need to join any one group exclusively.
In captivity, though, some males appear socially challenged.
Deseret Industries provides job skill training for the physically, emotionally and socially challenged and places them into private sector employment.
Tonight's assignments require the intellectually challenged beauties to read a road map and the socially challenged geeks to choose an appropriate gift for a woman.
At the same time the child with special needs is challenged intellectually and socially.
Just don't get insulted if he walks off in the middle of a conversation, Jubal is socially challenged.
Socially challenged, a bit autistic, a bit agoraphobic.
Walter wasn't too surprised to find out that Roykirk was a computer geek; he struck Walter as bright but socially challenged.
It sounds like another fantasy league swap, concocted by a couple of socially challenged freshmen over a pepperoni and mushroom pizza in the campus bar.
In this regard, Korean students of the program are challenged intellectually and socially.